About Us

The objects of trust are to run nursing & medical colleges, to maintain take up and run technical colleges, medical centres to take up HIV/STD awareness camps, blood donations camps, women empowerment scheme etc.


The trust also holds exemption under Income Tax Act 1961 R.C. No. PN/CIT-I/12A (a)/80G/25/200809/847.The project is mooted by group of expert medical professional, learned and holding expertise and specialisation under various feilds.The project shall be run from village -Bhalwani, Tal. Parner, Dist Ahmednagar, Maharashtra State. bhalwani is a small village constituting population of 10,000/ and 15.1 KM from Highway/Municipal facilities.


We shall also cover hereby village in Parner Taluka of the Ahemadnagar Dist. Maharashtra.We intend to cover the women of all types, castes, sub-castes, religions and all age. we intend to cover all children below 12 years and there shall be no bar as to caste, religion, colour etc.

We feel proud that we are treating average 500 OPD patients and 50 IPD patients which are below poverty line absolutly free every month in our 40 beded omkar nursing hospital.
© 2010 - Vijayganga Rural medical Foundation